Volunteer Signup
Dear Volunteers,
We're using SignUp.com in lieu of clipboards (due to possible COVID-19 transmission) to organize volunteers for our upcoming worship services.
Here's how SignUp.com works in 3 easy steps:
1) Click one of the links below to see our available dates on SignUp.com through the end of the calendar year.
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you do NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com.
Note: SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact the church office and we can sign you up manually.
Scripture Reader: https://signup.com/go/UmSZcES
Sanctuary Flowers: https://signup.com/go/zHOrJMb
Ushers: https://signup.com/go/kXkOutT
Thank you for your service to our congregation!
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
Social Media
Clifton Springs UMC's desire to share Christ includes using Facebook, Constant Contact and the CSUMC website to reach people. Are you comfortable with images, written word and software tools? Consider using your social media expertise to enhance our outreach. Contact Pastor Brian at pastorbrianfellows@gmail.com to volunteer.
Solists and groups are welcome throughout the year. Our choir sings at the 9:30 AM service during the Sunday school year (Sept. thru June). Practice begins promptly at 8:30 AM on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. Please contact Dave Hamilton if you wish to be a soloist or provide music at either service. Dave can be reached at dhhamilton@live.com if you have any questions.
We are also planning to create a Praise Team to lead our contemporary worship services. We're looking for guitarists and other instrumentalists, as well as vocalists. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please let Dave know.
What is an acolyte?
Acolyte comes from a Greek word meaning companion, attendant, or helper. In our church, an acolyte helps with the worship service by lighting the candles and extinguishing them after the service.
What does it mean to be an acolyte?
As an acolyte, you will light and extinguish (put out) the candles on the special table that we call the altar. On special occasions, you may also light other candles, such as the candelabra. This is an important job because you help to set the tone for worship. Click HERE for more specific information.
Ushers and Greeters
It is a privilege and an honor to serve our Lord as an usher or a greeter for a worship service. You are the first face friends and visitors see when they arrive at our church. This gives you a unique opportunity to act as a welcoming presence on behalf of God, the congregation, and Pastor Brian. It is a critical part of the ministry at CSUMC, Click HERE to see more information about duties and requirements.
Making worshipers welcome is a goal of all at our services and events. Greeters especially serve to welcome people, provide directions as needed, pass out the attendance pads, count worshipers and assist with offering. Sign up for this vital ministry by signing up at church or contacting the Strubs at donna.strub@yahoo.com
Teachers, assistants and substitutes are the cherished volunteers that nuture students of all ages. No matter what age you have a passion to teach, we can use you. Materials are provided for you and the students in our toddler-12th grade classes. Called to share a book of the Bible or other Christian material with adults? We'd love to have you schedule a class. Contact Stefanie Fellows at csumceducation@gmail.com.com to volunteer. Volunteers are required to participate in Safe Sanctuaries training and successfully pass a background check.