Extravagant Generosity
Dear Members and Friends of Clifton Springs United Methodist Church:
Our congregation's giving is based on extravagant generosity. We believe that with sufficient concern for your spiritual growth and the mission and ministries of our congregation you are lead to prayerfully consider your gifts of time and monies.
Clifton Springs UMC carefully manages your monetary gifts. By thankfully giving a portion of what God has lovingly given you, Clifton Springs is able to carry out extravagant ministry locally, regionally, and globally.
Our goal is to have every member and regular worship attendee be part of the exciting opportunity God has given us. We are challenged by the Bible to give a tithe (1/10th) of our resources. Are you led to tithe? Is God calling you to step out in faith to live generously? Are you ready to begin or increase your support of all that CSUMC is called to be?
Help us plan our ministry. If you have not done so, please fill out an Expectation of Giving card available from our Parish Administrator, David Hamilton. See David at his church office or contact him at secretary@csumc.com