Welcome. Currently there are 28 active mission efforts within the Church ranging in scope from local to international. CSUMC is an enabling body of believers when it comes to missions. For those who are lead to participate, or start a new mission group, we welcome your participation. Your ideas based in scripture and that Glorify God, for new or expanded mission work are welcome!
The administration of Missions within CSUMC is structured to allow efficient flow of information. Individual Missions report to the Mission Team Chair, who are overseen by our Ministry Chair.
It is the goal of the Mission Team to:
- Continue to increase the Congregation’s awareness of the various missions
- Increase the Congregation’s support of our Missions’ field financially by continual giving or participation in special fund raising events
- Reach a level of funding that would enable full funding of most if not all of our wonderful Sponsored and Supported Missions.
Below is a listing of the current Missions. As a work in progress, here are summaries of and information on our Missions. Please click on the hyper-linked titles for more information. As you read about the various Missions, we hope you are called to help. Please feel free to contact the Mission Leader or the Church’s Mission Chair.
Missions of CSUMC
Children Missions (5)
Backpack Program
Summer Lunch Program
Angel Tree
Vacation Bible School
Youth Missions
Local Missions (11)
Family Promise of Ontario County (https://www.familypromiseontariocounty.org)
Habitat for Humanity Volunteer
Relay for Life
Prayer Shawl
Blood Drive Volunteer
Christmas Dinner (eat out)
Neighbors helping Neighbors
Clifton Springs Food Pantry
Meals on Wheels
Food Distribution
Hospital and Nursing Home Volunteer
Volunteers in Mission (7)
Children's Disaster Services
Short-term missions
Disaster Relief Response Teams
United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR) Kits (health, clean up buckets)
Upper New York United Methodist Conference (UNYUMC) mission projects
International Missions (1)
Mission to Mexico
Missions and associated training (4)
Early Response Team (disaster response)
Team Leader
Connecting Neighbors
Safe Sanctuaries