Worship Q&A

 Q: Where are you located? What times are services? 

A: The church is located at 1 East Main Street, Clifton Springs, NY. Click on the "Location" section to the right for directions. Services are at 9:30 AM with Sunday School following at 10:40 mid-September through mid-June.  We also live stream our services here:  ONLINE WORSHIP

Q: Where do you park? 
A: There is a parking lot located behind the church, accessible from Main Street. You can park in the Hospital's parking lot (behind the church) and on Main Street (in front of the church). There are entrances in the front, rear (handicap accessible) and sides of the church. 

Q: Will there be greeters or others on hand to help newcomers? 
A: Greeters are at both the entrance to the Sanctuary (near the front entrance) and the rear entrance to the sanctuary from the GRACE Center. Greeters have bulletins that provide the order of worship and relevant announcements. Our greeters are here to welcome you to church and to answer your questions. 

Q: Is the order for worship easy to follow? 
A: Yes. The bulletin contains the printed order of worship. The order of worship is also on slides projected on the wall during the Service.

Q: How long does worship last? 
A: Generally, the service lasts an hour. A service with Communion or a baptism could last a little longer. 

Q: How long are the sermons? 
A: Sermons run approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Q: Are guests singled out? 

A: Guests are not singled out. There is a point in the service where we turn and offer a sign of Christ's love to one another through a handshake. At this point, you could indicate you are visiting. Guests are not pointed out from the pulpit or at any other time. There are pads passed during the service that you can sign and indicate that you are a visitor. You can be as brief or as detailed with the information you wish to share. 

Q: Who is welcome to Communion? 
A: All are welcome to Communion, regardless of age. Communion is by intinction (dipping the bread or rice cake) into the juice.

Q: Is the building accessible for physically challenged people? 
A: Yes, the rear and side entrance into the building are accessible.  There are handicapped parking spaces in the back parking lot. 

Q: Is there a nursery or other activities for small children? 
A: We encourage families to attend services together!  Children are welcome to take an activity bag - hanging at the back of the sanctuary - to their seat.

Q: What is the seating like? 
A: The church has a center aisle, with cushioned pews on either side. A balcony (not handicap accessible) is also available for seating during worship.

Q: Is there an expectation to give money? 
A: There is an offering taken during the service. The choice of making a donation to the church is yours.  You will never be pressured to donate.

Q: Are there other people of my age? 
A: Absolutely! The church's congregation is made up of all kinds of people spanning all age groups.